aaaa |
always afloat always accessible |
abs |
American Bureau of Shipping |
abt |
about |
acct or a/c |
account? |
acot |
Advisory Committee of Offshore Technology |
addr |
address (commission) |
agw |
all going well |
ah |
antwerp-hamburg range |
aht |
Anchor Handling Tug |
aid |
Agency for International Development |
aims |
American Institute of merchant Shipping |
anfood |
animal food (type of cargo) |
aphos |
african phosphate c/p |
aps |
Arriving Pilot Station |
ara |
antwerp-rotterdam- amsterdam |
arag |
Antwerp – Rotterdam – Amsterdam – Gent |
asf |
Asian Shipowners’ Forum |
aux |
auxiliary |
awb |
air waybill |
awes |
Association of Western European Shipbuilders |
b |
Beam |
b/l |
bill of lading |
b/n |
booking note |
b/s |
bill of sale |
b4 |
Before |
ba? |
buenos aires |
baf |
bunker adjustment factor |
bbb |
before breaking bulk |
bc? |
Bulk Carrier |
be |
both ends |
bends |
both ends |
bfi |
Baltic Freight Index |
bgd |
bagged |
bhp |
brake horse power |
biac |
Business and Industry Advisory Committee |
bifa |
British International Freight Association |
biffex |
Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange |
bimco |
Baltic and International Maritime Council |
bisco |
British Iron and Steel COrporation |
bl |
bale |
blk |
bulk |
blt |
Built |
boc |
Bulk Oil Carrier |
bod |
board of directors |
bof |
Best Offer |
br |
Bulgarian Register |
br |
brazil |
brg |
Bridge |
brkrs |
brokers |
brl |
barrel |
bs |
Bahamas |
bsc |
British Shippers Council |
bsea |
black sea |
bsi |
British Standards Institution |
btms |
bottoms (parcels) |
bv |
Bureau Veritas |
c&f |
Cost and Freight |
c.i.s. |
commonwealth independent states (ex soviet republics) |
cabaf |
currency and bunker adjustment factor |
caf |
currency adjustment factor |
can |
canada |
cancl |
cancelling |
casa |
casablanca |
cbm |
cubic metres |
cbs |
Cyprus Bereau of Shipping |
cc |
cargo capacity |
cc |
Cement Carrier |
ccc |
customs cooperation council |
cf |
cubic feet |
cfr |
Cost and FReight |
cfs |
container freight station |
cgo |
cargo |
chopt |
charterers option |
chrts |
charterers |
cif |
cost insurance freight |
cif |
Cost Insurance and Freight |
cip |
Carriage and Insurance Paid to |
cmi |
Committee maritime international? |
cmpl |
Completed |
cob |
Clean On Board |
cob |
cargo on board |
cob |
closing of business |
cod |
cash on delivery |
cogsa |
carriage of goods by sea act |
comb |
Combinable |
coms |
commissions |
Cont |
Container Ship |
cont |
Continent |
cop? |
custom of the port |
core7 |
c/p for iron ore transportation |
cp |
charter party |
cpt |
Carriage Paid To |
cpt |
captain |
cqd |
customary quick despatch |
crns |
cranes |
csc |
container safety convention |
csh |
Cargo Ship |
ct |
Chemical Tanker |
ct |
combined transport |
ctl |
constructive total loss |
cuft |
cubic feet |
cyl |
Cylinders |
d |
Depth |
d.o. |
Diesel Oil |
da |
disbursement accounts |
daf |
Delivered At Frontier |
dap |
days all purposes |
dap |
dia-ammonium sulphate |
dd |
dry dock |
ddp |
delivered duty paid |
ddu? |
Delivered Duty Unpaid |
ddu |
Delivered DUty paid |
de |
Deemed / Earned (freight) |
dely |
delivery |
dems |
Demurrage |
deq |
Delivered Ex Quay |
des |
Delivered Ex Ship |
df or d.f. |
dead freight |
dims |
dimensions |
disp |
Displacement |
doc |
document of compliance (ism) |
dolsp |
dropping outward last sea pilot |
dop |
Dropping Out Pilot |
dpa |
designated person ashore (ism) |
drft |
draft |
drgr |
Dredge – r |
drx |
hellenic drachma (currency) |
dur |
duration |
dw |
Dead Weight |
dwcc |
dead weight- cargo capacity |
dwt |
deadweight |
ec |
east coast |
ecgb |
east coast Great Britain |
ecsa |
east coast south america |
ecuk |
east coast United Kingdom |
ecus |
east coast United States |
efta |
european free trade association |
egy |
Egypt |
eiu |
even if used |
epirb |
emergency position indicating radio beacon |
er |
Engine Room |
eta |
estimated time of arrival |
etc |
expected time of commencement (or completion) |
etd |
estimated time of departure |
ets |
estimated time of sailing |
euc (euro) |
european currency units |
excl |
excluding |
exw |
Ex Works |
f.o. |
Fuel Oil |
fac |
fast as can |
fas |
free alongside ship |
fas |
Free Alongside |
fb |
Ferry Boat |
fca |
Free CArrier |
fcc |
first class charterers |
fcl |
Full Container Load |
fcr |
Floating Crane |
fd |
free despatch |
fd&d |
freight deadfreight & demurrage |
fdd |
freight demurrage defence (p&i) |
fdeocl |
freight deemed earned on completion loading |
ferts |
fertilizers |
feu |
Forty Feet Equivalent Units |
fgi |
for guidance and information |
fhex |
fridays holidays excluded |
fhex |
fridays holidays excluded |
fhinc |
fridays holidays included |
filo |
free in liner out |
fio |
free in out? |
fios |
free in out stowed |
fiost |
free in out spout trimmed |
fiot |
free in out trimming |
fish |
Fishing Boat |
flg |
flag |
flo-flo |
FLoat On – FLoat Off |
flt |
full liner terms |
fmc |
federal maritime commission |
fms |
fathoms |
fob |
free on board |
fob |
free on board |
fob |
Free On Board |
foq |
free on quay |
for |
free on rail |
fot |
free on truck |
fpa |
free of particular average |
fpt |
fore peak tank |
fr |
freight |
fr |
France |
frght |
freight |
fso |
fleet safety officer (ism) |
ftc |
Free Transferable currency |
fui |
for your information |
fw |
fresh water |
fwa |
fresh water allowance |
fwad |
fresh water arrival draft |
fwd |
fresh water draft |
fwd |
forward |
fxd |
fixed |
fyg |
for your guidance |
ga |
general average |
ga |
Go Ahead (telex operator) |
gatt |
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
gc |
Gas Carrier |
gcn |
gencon |
gd |
good |
geo |
geographical (rotation) |
gib |
Gibraltar |
gl |
Germanischer Lloyd |
gmdss |
global maritime distress and safety system |
gmt |
greenwich mean time |
gr |
grain |
Gr |
Greece (Hellas) |
gr |
greece |
grd |
geared |
grls |
gearless |
grt |
gross register tons |
gspb |
Good Safe Port Berth |
gtee |
guarantee |
h.s.a. |
hellenic shipbrokers association |
ha |
hatch |
hd |
half despatch |
hdwts |
half despatch working time saved |
hf |
Hydrofoil |
hfo |
heavy fuel oil |
hh |
holds hatches |
hh or hoha |
holds / hatches |
hhs |
heavy handy scrap |
hk |
hong kong |
hl or h/l |
Heavy Lift |
ho |
hold |
hoha |
holds hatches |
hond |
Honduras |
hrs |
Hellenic Register of Shipping |
hrs |
hours |
hsa |
Hellenic Shipbrokers Association |
hss |
heavy grainsoyasorghum |
hss |
High-speed Sea Service |
i/o |
instead of |
icc |
international chamber of commerce? |
ics |
international chamber of shipping |
ics |
institute of chartered shipbrokers |
ifo |
intermediate fuel oil |
igs |
inert Gas System |
ihp |
Indicated Horse Power |
ilohc |
in lieu of holds cleaning |
ilow |
in lieu of weight |
imco |
intergovernmental maritime commission |
imdg code |
international maritime dangerous goods code |
imo |
international maritime organization |
incl |
Including |
inclad |
including address |
inco terms |
international commercial terms |
isf |
international safety federation |
ism |
bla bla bla |
iso |
bla bla bla |
iwl |
institute warranties limits |
jpn |
japan |
kr |
Korean Register of Shipping |
l |
Length |
l.b.h. |
length / breadth/ height |
l.m.c. |
Lloyd’s machinery certificate |
l.t. |
Long Tons |
l/c? |
lay can |
l/c |
letter of credit |
l/d |
loading / discharging |
la |
los angeles (usa) |
ash |
Lighter Aboard SHip |
lash |
Lighter Aboard Ship |
lat |
latitude |
lbp |
Length Between Perpeticulars |
lc or l/c |
letter of credit |
ldg |
loading |
lgc |
Liquefied Gas Carrier |
lhar |
london hull antwerp rotterdam range |
lifo |
liner in free out |
lo/lo |
Lift On / Lift Off |
loa |
Length Over All |
loi |
Letter Of Indemnity |
long |
longitude |
lpg |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
lpgc |
liquefied petroleum gas carrier |
lr |
Lloyds Register |
ls |
Light Ship |
lsc |
Live Stock Carrier |
Lubs |
Lubricants |
m. |
metres |
m.e. |
Main Engine |
m/s |
motor ship |
m/v |
motor vessel |
m/y |
Motor Yacht |
mald |
Maldives Islands |
mdc |
marina di carrara |
mdo |
marine diesel oil |
me or m.e |
main engine |
med |
mediterranean |
mga |
master’s general account |
mgo |
marine gas oil |
mic |
man in charge |
mid |
middle |
min/max |
minimum/maximum |
mip |
marine insurance policy |
miss |
mississippi river |
mm |
minimum/maximum |
moa |
memorandum of agreement (S&P) |
mol |
more or less |
molchopt |
more or less at charterers’ option |
moloo |
more or less at owners’ option |
mop |
muriate of potash |
mos |
months |
mou paris |
memorandum of understanding (paris) |
mpp |
multi purpose (type of ship) |
mrble |
marble |
mt |
metric tons |
mtc |
moment to alter trim once centimeter |
mti |
moment to alter trim one inch |
mv or m/v |
motor vessel |
na or n/a |
not applicaple – not acceptable -not available |
naa |
not always afloat |
naabsa |
not always afloat but safely aground |
ncb |
national cargo bureau |
ncr |
non conformance report (ism) |
ncv |
no commercial value |
ng |
Nigeria |
nhp |
nominal horse power |
nk |
nippon kaiji Kyokai |
No |
Number |
nola |
North Lakes |
Notice of Readiness |
norgrain |
voyage c/p for carriage of grains (usa-can) |
nr or n.r. |
northern range (from norfolk to portland in usec) |
nrt |
net register tons |
nsf |
Norwegian Sales Fort |
ny |
new york |
nype |
new york produce exchange charter party |
nype |
New York Produce Exchange (charter party) |
oa |
over aged |
obc |
Ore Bulk Carrier |
obct |
Ore Bulk Container |
obo |
Oil Bulk Ore |
oc |
Ore Carrier |
od |
outside diameter |
onw |
onwards |
ooc |
Ore Oil Carrier |
opt |
option |
osd |
Open Shelter Decker |
osd |
open shelter decker |
ows |
owners |
p&c |
Private & Confidential |
p&i |
protection and indemnity (club) |
p.p.i. |
policy proof of interest |
p/f |
proforma |
p/l |
partial loss |
p/n |
promissory note |
pa |
particular average |
pan |
Panama |
pandi |
p&i |
pass |
Passenger Ship |
pb |
permanent bunkers |
pc |
Product Carrier |
pcc |
Pure Car Carrier |
pd |
Per Day |
pd |
port dues |
ph |
per hatch |
phil |
Philippines |
phos |
phosphate |
pls |
please |
plts |
palletes |
pmo |
passing muscat outbound |
pmt |
Per Metric Ton |
pod |
paid on delivery |
pod |
port of delivery |
posn |
position |
ppse |
propose |
ppt |
prompt |
pr |
Polski Rejestr Statkow |
prt |
port |
psa |
Passenger Ship Association |
psc |
port state control |
pt |
Product Tanker |
pton |
Per Ton |
pts |
spanish pesetas (currency) |
pus |
past us (commissions) |
pus |
past us (coms) |
pv |
Peru |
pwh |
per workable hatch |
qar |
quality assurance representative (ism) |
qt |
Qatar |
qte |
quote |
r |
Are |
r/v |
round voyage |
rd |
running days |
rdc |
running down clause |
rdly |
redelivery |
rdr |
radar |
redely |
redelivery |
ref |
Refrigerator Ship |
reg |
regarding |
rep |
representative |
req |
require |
rge |
range |
ri (rina) |
Registro Italiano |
rnd |
round (voyage) |
rnge |
range |
RoRo |
Roll on Roll off |
rqrd |
required |
rt |
Radio Telephone |
rt |
radio telephone |
ryt |
re your telex / telegram / telephone |
s&p brkr |
sale and purchase broker |
s.s. |
Special Survey |
s/n |
shipping note |
s/p |
Submersible Pontoon |
s/r |
Signing / Releasing (bills of lading) |
s/s |
Steamship |
saoclonl |
Ship And Or Cargo Lost Or Not Lost |
SatCom |
Satellite Communication |
SatNav |
Satellite Navigation |
satshex |
saturdays sundays holidays excluded |
sb |
safe berth |
sbm |
soya bean meal |
se |
south east |
shex |
Sundays Holidays Excluded |
shinc |
sundays holidays included |
sid |
single decker |
smc |
safety management certificate (ism) |
smm |
safety management manual (ism) |
smp |
soya bean meal pallets |
sms |
safety management system (ism) |
Sob |
shipped on board |
soc |
Shipper owned container |
Sof |
Statement of Facts |
solas |
Safety Of Life At Sea |
sop |
sulphate of potash |
sopep |
shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (ism |
sp |
safe port |
sp |
Spain |
spn |
spain |
spore |
Singapore |
spt |
spot |
sr |
Soviet Register |
src |
Slops Receiving Station |
sshex |
Saturdays Sundays Holidays Excluded |
ssv |
Support Supply Vessel |
ssw |
sawn soft wood |
st |
Side Tank |
stbd |
Starboard |
stc |
Said To Contain |
stcw code |
SEAFARERS’ training certification and watch-keeping |
stcw convention |
international convention on standards of training certification and watch-keeping for seafarers |
stds |
standards |
stem |
subject to existence of merchandise |
stg |
Salvage Tug |
stl |
steel |
sub |
subject to |
swd |
salt water draft |
swl |
Safe Working Load |
syna |
synacomex |
t/l |
total loss |
tc |
time charter |
tct |
time charter trip |
teu |
Twenty Feet Equivalent Units |
tg |
Tug |
tnge |
tonnage |
tns |
tons |
tpc |
tons per centimetre |
tpi |
tons per inch |
tr |
Trawler |
ts |
tons |
tsh |
Tanker Ship |
tsp |
triple super phosphate |
tss? |
tailshaft survey |
ttl |
total |
tw |
tween decker |
tween |
tweendecker |
u |
You |
uce |
unforseen circumstances excepted |
uk |
united kingdom |
uk/cont |
united kingdom / continent range |
ulcc |
Ultra Large Crude Carrier |
unqt |
unquote |
up river |
upper ports of river parana (argentina) |
usa |
United States of America |
usd |
united states dollars |
usec |
united states east coast |
usg |
United States Gulf |
usnh |
united states north of cape hateras |
uswc |
united states west coast |
uu |
Unless Used |
Vaoclonl |
Vessel And Or Cargo Lost Or Not Lost |
vlcc |
Very Large Crude Carrier |
vol. |
volume |
wb |
Water Ballast |
wc |
west coast |
wci |
West Coast India |
wci |
west coast italy |
wcsa |
west coast south america |
weccon |
whether entered customs clearance or not |
wechon |
whether entered customs house or not |
wibon |
weather in berth or not |
wiccon |
weather in cargo clearance or not |
wifpon |
weather in free pratique or not |
wipon |
weather in port or not |
wlthc |
Water Line to Top of Hatch Coming |
wog |
Without Guarantee |
wp |
Weather Permitting |
wr |
War Risks |
wr |
without responsibility |
ww |
world wide |
wwd |
Winches Working Day |
wwd |
Weather Working Days |
wwr |
when where ready |
wwww |
wipon / wifpon / wiccon / wibon |
yu |
Yugoslavia |